The PPGEDUC is set up as an Education and Culture Graduate Program of the Federal University of Pará, located in the City of Cametá, northeast region of Pará, Campus of Tocantins / Cametá, integrating UFPA's expansion policy Multicampi, with relevant insertion of the Stricto Sensu Postgraduation in the interiorization of the North region, being the first Education Graduate Program outside the headquarters of UFPA-Belém, having graduated until 2018 the total of fifty eight (58) graduates (coming from different regions of the Amazon: Cametá, Mocajuba, Baião, Igarapé-Miri, Abaetetuba, Tucuruí, Belém, Castanhal, Altamira, Marabá, Palmas-TO), which indicates an important training scope of the Program. The expansion of the permanent faculty to eighteen (18) professors brought the right balance between teaching, research and academic orientation, in proportion to the demands of students entering the Program. It is reiterated that the Dissertation defenses were carried out in compliance with the deadlines established by CAPES, contributing to the qualified academic training of researchers to act in the production of knowledge, management and teaching of basic and higher education, in the different interfaces of education and culture in the Amazon region. The researches carried out in the two Research Lines that make up the curricular proposal of the Program, evolve in a way that enhances the production of theoretical and methodological knowledge in research approaches with philosophical, sociological, anthropological and historical approaches and innovative languages in permanent dialogue with socio-cultural and educational Amazonian realities and the scientific production in education and culture in national and international scope.

The Master’s in Education and Culture aims to:

- Train researchers in the area of Education and Culture with academic competence, analytical capacity and conceptual domain to think about realities and socio-cultural and educational perspectives at a local and global level;

- Graduate and academically qualify researchers, teachers, managers and pedagogical agents that contribute to qualify the knowledge and educational practices with a view, mainly, to the strengthening of basic education, indigenous, quilombola and social and cultural movements, in the Amazon region;

- Promote the production of scientific projects and research in the field of education and culture in their sociological, historical, anthropological, philosophical and language interfaces in the production of knowledge;

- Constitute and strengthen theoretical, methodological and practical accumulations in the themes of the two Research Lines: Basic Education, Technologies, Labor and Social Movements in the Amazon; Education, Culture and Language, through teaching and research activities on education and culture based on studies focused on investigative problems arising from public policies, socio-cultural educational realities, production of languages and their reflexes in different national and regional contexts, having in view of the intellectual and socio-cultural plurality of the Amazon Region;

- Promote and strengthen investigative actions of the Program's research lines through teaching and research activities and exchanges between research groups with the support of funding and development agencies, aiming at the production of knowledge that contributes to the improvement of educational quality, within the scope of basic and higher education;

The Education and Culture Graduate Program (PPGEDUC), Academic Master's Course in Education and Culture, was approved by the National Education Council (CNE) via RESOLUTION OF THE COURSE Nº. 4,514, OF MAY 20, 2014. The course began its academic activities in the first regular semester of 2014, initially constituted by a board of ten (10) Tenured Professors, Coordination and Vice-Coordination and one (1) Technical-Administrative Secretary, for the attendance of a regular class selected with ten (10) master students. 

In 2019, PPGEDUC presents the following expansion chart:

Data related to PPGEDUC (year 2019)

Total number of students enrolled (93)

Total number of graduates (58)

Total of permanent professors (17)

Total professors Collaborators (2)

Total Visiting Professors (2)

Total administrative staff (1)

Total administrative scholarship holders (1)

PROCAD AMAZONIA: Academic Cooperation Project between UFPA-UFMT-UFAM aims to create conditions for the implementation of the Legal Amazon Research Network - Pará, Amazonas and Mato Grosso - aimed at strengthening the PPGEDUC / UFPA of Cametá-Pará, from PPGE / UFMT of Cuiabá-Mato Grosso and PPGE / UFAM of Manaus, with a view to improving teaching, research in the perspective of the internationalization of programs, on educational policies, languages and cultural practices in the Amazon, privileging ethnic-racial issues , indigenous and quilombola. To this end, the creation of a research network constituted in the Education area from UFPA of the Campus of Cametá, UFMT Campus of Cuiabá and UFAM Campus of Manaus, will promote exchange of teaching and research between its faculty and students, in order to deepen studies in a cooperative way and contribute to expand the training of human resources and high-level scientific-academic production that focuses on the regional reality of Northern Brazil.


The teams of coordinators that make up the PROCAD project are as follows:

The PPGEDUC team - Education and Culture Graduate Program, the proponent of the PROCAD project, is made up of Professor Vilma Aparecida de Pinho (General Coordinator); Professor Gilcilene Dias da Costa; and Professor Maria Sueli Correa dos Prazeres;

The PPGE / UFMT - Associated Program 1 team at the Federal University of Mato Grosso consists of Profa. Dr. Beleni Saléte Grando; Profa. Dr. Cândida Soares da Costa and Prof. Dr. Sérgio Pereira dos Santos.

The PPGE / UFAM - Associate Program 2 team at the Federal University of Amazonas is made up of professors: Valéria Augusta Cerqueira de Medeiros Weigel (UFAM / PPGE); Arminda Rachel Botelho Mourão; Fabiane Maia Garcia.